February 3, 2022
An Agent for Power of Attorney
Who should I choose to be my agent?
A person you would trust with your life. Choose this person very carefully. That person can act in your name, as if you were there. In most cases, you are responsible for anything your agent does in your name. Choose someone who is honest and trustworthy. This is especially important if you are signing a general durable power of attorney. Because of the powers that you give to another person, it is highly recommended that you talk to a lawyer before signing any power of attorney.
You should especially speak to a lawyer to prepare a Durable General Power of Attorney. If you are low-income, we may be able to refer you to a lawyer who can do this for free. If you are older and do not live in an area where these services are free, you can pay a reduced fee.
Can I give someone power of attorney to sell my property?
Yes. This is a special power of attorney that only allows your agent to sign a deed for the property. This kind of power of attorney must include a legal description of the property that you want to sell. You must record the power of attorney in the deed records of the county where the property is located. If you wish, you can add an expiration date to the power of attorney.
What if my spouse is my agent and we get divorced?
If your spouse is your agent, the power of attorney ends the day your divorce is granted. If you do not want your spouse’s power of attorney to end when you divorce, make sure to write that in the durable power of attorney. You may also execute a new one after the date of the divorce naming your ex-spouse as your agent.